Archive for August, 2009

I’m back!!

All right.  I’m sorry.  I was apparently on a blogging vacation there for a while.   We went to the lake, we had a wedding to go to, we played, and napped, and I just haven’t blogged.  Oh well.  I’m back now and I will try to blog at least once a week.  In the meantime, here’s a list of the things that I have been loving for the last few weeks.

1)  Ginger chews are the new love of my life.

2)  My first artichoke!!!  Its so little and cute and I wasn’t expecting one this year at all!
3)  The chickens have been free ranging pretty much full time in the backyard and they are loving it.  Except for their undying need to perch on the patio table, I am loving it, too.
4)  Two year old’s birthday parties are a blast, although all remarkably similar.  They are, nonetheless, an excellent excuse to eat cake!!
5)  The Wilson High School pool is one of my favorite places on Earth… and Clara’s too.

6)  Two buck Tuesday at the Oregon Zoo is awesome before 10:00 am.  After that it’s… a zoo!!
7)  Little butternut squash growing rampant are adorable.
8)   Nasturtiums are one of my favorite flowers… and edible!
9)  “No, uh uh” is an adorable phrase that Clara loves, but it is not quite as adorable when repeated twenty times in an hour vehemently.

10)  Discussing babies in mommies bellies with a two year old is adorable… Clara would like a baby in her belly, too and her name is Julie.

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