Archive for February, 2013

Valentine rainbow, easy valentine box, and our new favorite place for art

How’s that for a title?!  I have so much to talk about that I haven’t gotten to this month as we’ve been out of town.  First, earlier this month I went to Target and they had  a ton of valentine’s day art supplies in the dollar bins and I stocked up, put them all in a shoebox, and then promptly forgot about them.  Enter coughing five year old with a fever and no energy.  I put out the box of supplies and the girls went at them for over an hour.  Nancy loved the stickers and glitter glue.  Clara loved the foam flowers and markers.  A good time was had by all– even when sick.

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Next, we went to the best place EVER a couple of weekends ago.  Its in NE Portland and its called Art ala Carte.  It is essentially a space for kids to create whatever art they want to and parents don’t have to clean up the mess.  They have all kinds of art supplies.  In fact, if you can think of it, they have it.  My girls loved it.  And oh, the glitter.  Nancy had a ball with the glitter.  For like an hour.  And I didn’t have to clean up any of it!  That’s her above glittering a record.   Clara built a “house,” painted it, and even found a My Little Pony to live in the house before moving on to like three other projects.  By the end, the trunk of my car was full of wet art projects to take home.  It was a great rainy Sunday afternoon activity.   With a family membership, it is really quite affordable, too.
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Finally, we made a valentine’s day rainbow based on this beautiful post from No Time For Flashcards. I simply put contact paper sticky side out on the wall (this is harder than it sounds and an extra pair of adult hands are helpful) and drew a rainbow outline on the contact paper with markers. Then, I used a heart punch to punch rainbow colors of hearts out of my wallpaper sample book. Then, I invited the kids to sort the hearts onto the sticky rainbow. It turned out beautifully! I love walking up my stirs and seeing it on the landing every day.
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