Archive for December, 2009


This has been a week of unexpected lessons for Clara about snow.  It started with waking up to snow on Sunday in Redmond at Grandmoo and Grandpa’s house.  It was really dry snow, but despite Daddy trying desperately to make a snow man, the best they could do was a pile of snow with a bucket in the middle of it for support and a face made of bark chips.  Clara still had a great time stomping around in the snow and throwing it up in the air.

Then I had planned to make snowmen at preschool on Monday. We made these snow globe snowmen, which were a bit hit for the kids, but if I ever decide to do glitter and sequins with five two-year-olds at the same time again, please remind me that I was still finding sequins on the floor five days later!!! The kids really ended up liking all the different steps involved, though and even colored them with markers at the end because they wanted to do more.

We also read some great books this week with snowmen as the theme. Clara’s favorites were Frosty the Snowman by Nelson and Rollins, which of course, has to be sung.  Her other favorite was The Biggest, Best Snowman by Margery Cuyler, which is the story of a little girl who is told that she’s too little to do anything all the time but in the end learns that she actually can do something, specifically, make a snowman with the help of her woodland friends.

Finally, our week of snowmen culminated in the ultimate experience.  Clara woke up on Tuesday from her nap to  three exciting surprises: 1) Daddy had come home early from work, 2)  one of her best friends was here while her parents went to an appointment, and 3)  there was two inches of snow on the ground and it was like a blizzard outside.  We just had to do it.  After about twenty minutes of getting two toddler coats, hats, boots, and mittens on, we made it outside.  This was the perfect snow to build a snowman with.  It packed effortlessly.  It held together perfectly even when stacking one huge snowball on top of another.  The snowman was a complete success.  Clara finally learned all about how to build a snowman.  And that snow is delicious!

Santa Handprints!

As you can see, we’ve been extra crafty lately!  It may be all the freezing cold weather followed immediately by torrential rain that we’ve had the last couple of weeks.  But, its also the holidays and that means that we need to decorate and give homemade presents!  Here is our latest creation.  I didn’t make it up, but I also can’t remember where I saw it at, so I can’t give credit to anyone for it.  Oh well.  Without further ado, Santa handprints!

1)  Paint toddler hands (palm in red and fingers in white).
2) Stamp toddler hands down onto piece of paper (or even better, foam so that they will last longer, but we only had magenta left and that would not have looked good, so white paper it was).
3) Glue on googly eyes and cotton ball for hat.
4) Cut out and hang on the tree!

Christmas Ornaments

I think that everyone who is getting one of these ornaments and reads my blog has already gotten theirs, so if you got a package in the mail from us and you haven’t opened your presents yet, this is your official SPOILER ALERT!! This is a very easy, but also very pretty and fun craft for a toddler to make that may actually look good on a family member’s tree. All you need is some clear glass ball ornaments (ours were 50% off at Michael’s when I went in on the spur of the moment to get them!), some paint (we just used our good old tempera paint), and some ribbon to hang them with.  We made twelve which was maybe about four too many as Clara was at the end of her patience when we finished.  Six would have been the perfect amount for her attention span.
This is how easy this really is:
1) Take the top off the ball.
2) Squirt some paint into the hole.
3) Swirl it by shaking or by putting a paintbrush into the hole (hint: shaking can get a little messy).
4) Let dry.
5) Put the top back on.
6) Thread some ribbon through the circle on top.
7) Hang up and admire!


Monthly Clara-isms

While trying to convince me to share some bread dough~
“Dough sleep good in my tummy!”

While getting a poop changed~
“I shared with my friends!”
“What are you sharing? Your poop?”
“Yes! On their hands!!”

“I see the moon!  Its flying!!”

Upon eating a piece of Auntie’s yummy fudge:
“I love creamy chocolate!”

While waiting for her friend Sophia’s imminent arrival:
“I want my-fia!”

As we were watching Elf (the best Christmas movie e-ver), Buddy, the main character said, “Technically, I’m a human, raised by elves.” Clara replied, “I technically a princess.”

In a sudden fit of hugging and kissing her mommy, Clara shouted out, “Best friend Momma!”

Stocking Craft!


As I was putting up our Christmas decorations this year, I realized that I had forgotten our all-important stockings at my in-law’s house! The horror! What would Santa put our presents in? I needed to remedy this situation and fast and with a two-year-old helper!   So, I cut out some construction paper stockings, pulled out some wrapping paper, glue, and cotton balls, and we set to work. This was Clara’s first glue experience, and she actually did really well with it. I was impressed. And they turned out pretty good for stand-ins.


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