Archive for September, 2009

First Egg!

I walked out to the coop this evening, with a garden shoe full of cold rain water, let the Douglas Fir drip on my head as I closed the gate, then walked around to close the coop door.  I opened the door up to the nesting box to find… OUR FIRST EGG!!  I’m so excited!!  I did a little jig and ran up to the house to show everyone!  I don’t know who laid it, but I am thrilled by the prospect of having working chickens rather than free-loading, still pooping on my patio table chickens. The egg is a bit smaller than a normal, store-bought egg, but they’re still young.
Oh, and she even laid it right in the nesting box next to the two fake eggs. Such smart girls I have.  Kristen is planning to eat it for breakfast tomorrow morning before she leaves to go home.  Fried, in an Egg McMuffin, I believe.



I am so excited to really be getting a good harvest in now!!  Here’s what I picked yesterday from the garden:

  • tomatoes (big red ones and little yellow ones)
  • cucumbers
  • butternut squash
  • delicata squash
  • carrots
  • onions
  • raspberries
  • more raspberries

Yummy!  Now, I need ideas for what to make with my swiss chard.  Tried and true recipes, please!!!


Emotion Bears

Our theme for this month in playschool is emotions.  I saw these adorable bears from Kid’s Craft Weekly, and we had to make them!  I made an angry bear, happy bear, and sad bear as examples and did a little puppet show about sharing for the kids.  Then, they made their own.  They needed some help with the gluing, but I was surprised that both Clara and Lucy were able to draw eyes for their bears on their own.  All we did was add some pupils.  We drew the mouths for them, though.  Clara wanted an angry bear, but everyone else wanted a happy bear… go figure.

Then I hung up a shower rod with a towel over it in the doorway of the living room and the kids did their own “puppet show” which mainly consisted of flailing the bears around and laughing and screaming, but was adorable.
Finally, we ate snack: cheese, grapes, raspberries, and bear muffins that Clara and I made, which looked more like beavers, I think, but tasted good.
It was a fun day! Can’t wait to see how much Clara learns about emotions and connects them to real life experiences. We just finished the theme of growing and Clara talks about growing in so many different contexts now. Its amazing!!

New baby blob

I would like to announce, for anyone who doesn’t know it yet, that Clara is going to be a big sister.  This officially, according to all sources I’ve asked, has nothing to do with me or daddy, but only with Clara.  She seems to like the idea… at least for now.  We’ll see what she thinks eight months from now.

We went to the doctor yesterday and I got an ultrasound to determine the official due date (April 4th).  Clara loved seeing the baby inside mommy’s tummy on the TV screen and wanted her own picture.  I think that what she liked even more was watching my exam, though.  I’m not sure what I think about that.

Anyway, here’s a picture of our new baby blob.  You can’t make out much.  Apparently its not very photogenic.

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