Archive for March, 2011

New Chicks!

Meet the newest members of our family!  They are adorable and Clara thinks that they are just her new best friends.   Nancy screams happily every time she sees them and tries to poke them.  Clara picked out the names Sugar for the yellow one and Clucky for the brown one.  The yellow chick is a Buff Orpington (the same kind as our older chicken, Curry).  The brown chick is an Americauna and will lay blue or green eggs.  So, we’ll have four chickens for the time being and possibly go down to two later in the year after the older girls stop laying for the winter.  I’ll make sure to update as I introduce the new chicks to the older chicks as that should be an interesting process!

Recycling Juice Boxes

We don’t drink much juice here, but when we go on long car drives, I find that it is a wonderful for plying quiet time out of a certain three-year old.  So, after our last road trip to Bend, we had two juice boxes in the back seat of the car.  I couldn’t let such treasures go to waste.  I remembered this great idea and decided that Monsters are always in season.
After cutting the juice boxes open, I had the kids fill them with pinto beans and then taped them closed again. Then we covered them with felt and cut some hair out on the tops. Then the kids got to work decorating with scraps of felt, buttons, and googlie eyes. But mostly with glue. Lots of glue.
They seemed to take forever to dry, but were such a hit, especially with Drew that his has to live on the dining room table and eats every meal with him. He’s not a scary monster, though.

Building Sand Castles

The past couple of weeks have involved a lot of snow, rain, and cold, cold, cold.  Then some packing.  Because we left all of that behind and flew off to paradise.  We are visiting Grandmoo and Pa in Maui.  So fun!  So, we won’t have many crafty projects to report on for the time being.  Except for our many, many sand castles.  So, here are a few sand castle tips for your next vacation in paradise:

1)  Make sure that the sand tastes good!


2) Add some water.

3) Mix and stir a lot!

4) Its really all about the process.

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