Cherry Blossoms

It’s cherry blossom time in PDX!!  Yeah!  And its only February.  I’m taking that as a good sign.  I am ready for spring, so expect a bunch of spring crafts and garden blogs on here as March wears on.  It can’t hurt to pretend that it really is right around the corner.

Last week as Clara and I were walking home from her friend Oliver’s house, the trees were just absolutely beautiful.  I may have broke out my Leatherman from my purse and liberated a few little branches for my dining room centerpiece.  Just a few.  I wish that these gorgeous flowers would last longer, but they can only stick around a few days inside.  So, Clara and I made our own tree this morning.


Materials: one piece of construction paper, tree shape cut out of a Cheerios box, pink tissue paper cut into squares, glue

Directions: This project is pretty much like a collage (and we all know what a big hit those are), with the added bonus that you get to crumple paper! Woo hoo! Glue the tree trunk onto the construction paper. Squirt glue all over (everyone’s favorite step!). Then crumple up the tissue paper and stick it to the glue!!
That’s it! This project is terribly easy (can you tell I’m into easy crafts right now?) and was a huge hit. I think I’ll try it out with a group of kids next week, since it was so easy. Oh! And I got my inspiration for this from my favorite little kids craft blog, No Time For Flashcards, which you should totally check out if you’re interested in those sorts of things.

5 Responses to “Cherry Blossoms”

  1. 1 carrita February 26, 2010 at 2:31 pm

    What a photographer you have come to be. The cherry blossom is beautiful! Almost as beautiful as Clara. Go Team USA!

    • 2 mysillylittlelife February 26, 2010 at 3:00 pm

      Okay, I admit it. I stole the cherry blossom from Google images. I was going to take a picture of some of the neighborhood ones, but its pouring rain and I don’t have the energy. They wouldn’t have turned out as well anyway.

  2. 3 Kristen February 27, 2010 at 9:08 am

    Did she give her cherry blossom tree to Uncle Andy? I heard that they had a great time playing yesterday morning. Wish I was there to play too, and I am sure that Drew does too. Soon, soon we will be there, keeps your fingers crossed!

  3. 4 kimberley5949 March 1, 2010 at 12:01 am

    I am amazed on how quick your daughter was able to catch and comprehend what to do on the collage. And I must admit you and your daughter make a wicked team, you made a swell art work

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